What is your MOST Anticipated Movie of 2009?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Welcome! Subject today... NINE The Movie and my Movie Review of MILK

Hey you guys and girls! This is my Movie Blog. Please come Here for all the latest AND greatest in Hollywood!

As you know if you read my Profile! I love movies. So today I am going to talk about one of the most anticipated films of 2009...

Directed by- Rob Marshell. Credits include.... CHICAGO
Stars- 2 time Oscar Winner Daniel Day Lewis
Oscar Winner Marion Cottilard
Oscar Winner Sophia Loren
Oscar Winner Nicole Kidman
Why is it anticipated?
Mostly because its a musical and we wanna see if this cast can sing and dance!

To me this film looks amazing. Great director and Great Cast.

Now also every couple days I will be doing a Movie Review.
Milk is a powerful film done by a powerful director. Gus van Sant brings the life of Harvey Milk to the big screen. Harvey Milk was the first ever openly gay man to be elected for Major Office. This films shows the rough events and times he had to go through to fight for what believes in. Harvey Milk is unfortunately not with us anymore. He was assasinated by Dan White. The message was sent out to the people of San Fransisco and they marched. Marched for the man that saved them and made their lives a better place.

Sean Penn gives a pitch perfect performance as Harvey Milk. Matching every manerism and speaking his voice. And he touched the audiences heart and that is the sign of a truly great performance. This film also stars an all-star supporting cast of Josh Brolin as Dan White, Emile Hersch as Cleeve Jones and James Franco as Scott. All these people one of the best performances of their careers.

This film has moments that make you feel. Feel the lives of the people that fought. When you watch this movie you are put in the perspective of the gay people that faced danger every day wondering if they would get shot or arrested. Do you want to know why they could have gotten shot or arrested? Because they are different! But people are people! It is not there fault! Being gay is not a disease, it is not a mental illness. It is a strength. To show that you can accept yourself for who YOU are. And hopefully everyone else will take that advice and accept people for who THEY are.

This film picked up 2 academy Awards. One for best adapted screenplay and one Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading role for Sean Penn. It was also nominated for 6 more including best picture.

I Urge you all to rent this movie. But this movie! See it. Change the way you feel. Make yourself feel the pain that they once had to go through and are still going through now.

This film is a flawless peice of art done by Director Gus Van Sant! 10/10

See ya later!


  1. Excellent review, Joel! I must see this film as soon as possible.

    BTW... I think I might be able to make an old movies fan of you. I'm talking 1930's era... we shall discuss further and plan our movie weekend accordingly.

    Love, Pammy

  2. Hello! This is MillaJJoey from IMDB...nice blog you have going on! Hope to see more from you on here!

  3. God I love you Pammy. Ive seen a couple from that ERA. Gone With The Wind, Casablanca. Stuff like that


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